Jean Pierre Raffarin - vertaling naar frans
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Jean Pierre Raffarin - vertaling naar frans

Jean Pierre Raffarin; Raffarin
  • Prime Minister Raffarin and [[Mikuláš Dzurinda]] in Paris, December 2003
  • Raffarin with Italian Prime Minister [[Silvio Berlusconi]], June 2004
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Jean Pierre Raffarin      
Jean Pierre Raffarin, French Prime Minister (born in 1948), Prime Minister of France


¦ abbreviation Lamentations (in biblical references).


Jean-Pierre Raffarin

Jean-Pierre Raffarin (French: [ʒɑ̃ pjɛʁ ʁa.fa.ʁɛ̃] (listen); born 3 August 1948) is a French politician who served as Prime Minister of France from 6 May 2002 to 31 May 2005.

He resigned after France's rejection of the referendum on the European Union draft constitution. However, after Raffarin resigned, he said that his decision was not based on the outcome of the vote. Opinion polls following his resignation suggested that Raffarin was one of France's least popular Prime Ministers since the Fifth Republic was established in 1958. However, according to the book France: 1815–2003, written by Martin Evans and Emmanuel Godwin, Raffarin was "a remarkably popular Prime Minister" despite his ability "to state the obvious and to make empty statements".

He was also Vice President of the Senate from 2011 to 2014.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Jean Pierre Raffarin
1. Proche de Jean–Pierre Raffarin, Dominique Bussereau reste à l‘Agriculture.
2. Mais Jean–Pierre Raffarin n‘en prend pas ombrage.
3. Jean–Pierre Raffarin: L‘intoxication, c‘était l‘intensité des doses!
4. Nouveauté÷ il n‘y a aucun secrétaire d‘Etat, alors que Jean–Pierre Raffarin en commandait dix.
5. Nous pensions qu‘avec Jean–Pierre Raffarin tout avait déjŕ été fait sur ce plan.